Colposcopy and Follow-Up of Abnormal Cervical Screen

Colposcopy and Follow-Up of Abnormal Cervical Screen

Dr Kelly Hankins offers comprehensive screenings and evaluations, supporting reproductive well-being. She understands the importance of early detection and timely follow-ups and is dedicated to providing expert, compassionate care for those who have received abnormal cervical screening results.

What is an Abnormal Cervical Screen?

An abnormal cervical screen, often detected through Pap smears or HPV testing, indicates the presence of abnormal cervical cells. These cells may have undergone changes that could lead to cervical cancer if left untreated. Early detection and proper follow-up are crucial to prevent the progression of abnormal cells to cancer.

What is a Colposcopy?

A colposcopy is a diagnostic procedure used to closely examine the cervix, vagina, and vulva after an abnormal cervical screening result. During the procedure, a colposcope (a magnifying instrument) is used to visualise the cervical tissues in detail. It allows healthcare providers to identify abnormal areas and potentially take biopsies for further analysis.

What Happens After Your Colposcopy?

Following your colposcopy, Dr Hankins will discuss the findings with you. Depending on the results, several scenarios can occur:

  • Monitoring: If no significant abnormalities are detected, regular follow-up screenings may be recommended to monitor your cervical health and ensure timely intervention if needed.
  • Biopsy: If abnormal areas are identified, a biopsy may be taken. The sample is sent to a laboratory for analysis to determine the extent of the abnormality.
  • Treatment: If precancerous or cancerous cells are found, your healthcare provider will discuss appropriate treatment options, which may include procedures to remove the abnormal cells.
Colonoscopy | Dr Kelly Hankins | Obstetrician & Gynaecologist | North Gosford

Your Appointment and follow up

Dr Kelly Hankinsโ€™ colposcopy and follow-up services offer thorough and personalised care for individuals with abnormal cervical screening results. From precise colposcopy examinations to comprehensive follow-up plans, Dr Hankins prioritises your cervical health and well-being. If youโ€™ve received an abnormal screening result or have concerns about your cervical health, contact the clinic today. Dr Hankins is here to provide the care, support, and guidance you need on your journey to optimal cervical wellness.

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