Fertility Surgery and Tubal Patency Check

Fertility Surgery & Tubal Patency Check

Investigating if fallopian tubes are open and functional provides valuable insights into fertility and reproductive potential. Dr Kelly Hankins provides tubal patency checks to inform approaches to conception and pregnancy.

What is a Tubal Patency Check?

A tubal patency check is a diagnostic procedure designed to assess the condition and openness of a woman’s fallopian tubes. These tubes play a crucial role in natural conception, as they provide the pathway for an egg to travel from the ovaries to the uterus, where fertilisation can occur. Confirming that the fallopian tubes are unobstructed is essential for understanding fertility potential and addressing potential obstacles to conception.

About the Procedure

During a tubal patency check, a contrast medium (usually a special dye) is introduced into the uterus through the cervix. This dye flows into the fallopian tubes and allows for visualisation using imaging techniques. If the fallopian tubes are patent (open), the contrast medium will flow freely through them, confirming their functionality. Any blockages or obstructions can be detected through this procedure.

Who Can Benefit from a Tubal Patency Check?

Tubal patency checks are recommended for individuals experiencing fertility challenges or who have specific risk factors that could affect the fallopian tubes. The following people may benefit from tubal patency checks:

  • Couples experiencing infertility
  • Women with a history of pelvic infections
  • Women with a history of abdominal or tubal surgery
  • Individuals with known tubal issues

Tubal Patency Checks and Fertility Surgery

The results of a tubal patency check can inform and guide fertility surgery.

If the tubal patency check confirms that the fallopian tubes are open and functioning correctly, it suggests that the fallopian tubes are not the primary cause of infertility. In such cases, fertility surgery targeting the fallopian tubes may not be necessary.

If the tubal patency check reveals blockages, scarring, or other abnormalities in the fallopian tubes, fertility surgery may be recommended to improve the chances of conception. Surgical options may include procedures to remove obstructions, repair damaged tubes, or, in severe cases, perform tubal reanastomosis.

Book a Consultation

If you are considering pregnancy or have concerns about your reproductive health, consult with Dr Kelly Hankins to discuss whether a tubal patency check is right for you.

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