Hysteroscopy and Resection of Polyps/Fibroids/Septae and Intrauterine Adhesions

Hysteroscopy and Resection of Polyps/Fibroids/Septae & Intrauterine Adhesions

Gynaecological abnormalities can cause painful symptoms and reduce fertility. Dr Kelly Hankins provides hysteroscopy services to improve patient outcomes. Learn more about hysteroscopy procedures below.

What is a Hysteroscopy?

Operative hysteroscopy is a minimally-invasive medical procedure used to treat various gynaecological conditions and abnormalities within the uterus. It involves the use of a hysteroscope, which is a thin, lighted tube with a camera and instruments attached. The hysteroscope is inserted through the cervix and into the uterus, allowing the healthcare provider to visualise the interior of the uterus on a monitor in real time. Using the attached instruments, surgeons – such as Dr Kelly Hankins – can remove abnormalities to improve the patient’s health and wellness.

Conditions Treated

Dr Kelly Hankins uses the procedure to remove the following gynaecological abnormalities:

  • Polyps: These small, benign growths on the uterine lining can lead to abnormal bleeding and fertility issues. Hysteroscopy allows for the precise removal of polyps.
  • Fibroids: Uterine fibroids – noncancerous growths within the uterus – can cause heavy menstrual bleeding and pelvic pain. Hysteroscopic resection can provide relief without invasive surgery.
  • Septae: Uterine septae are structural abnormalities that can affect fertility and increase the risk of pregnancy complications. Septae can be removed to improve reproductive outcomes.
  • Intrauterine adhesions: Scar tissue within the uterus, often a result of previous surgeries or infections, can lead to infertility and menstrual disturbances. Hysteroscopy allows for the removal of adhesions, restoring function.
Endometriosis | Fertility Surgery | Periods with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome | Dr Kelly Hankins | Obstetrician & Gynaecologist | North Gosford

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Dr Kelly Hankins offers advanced treatment options for various gynaecological conditions, helping you achieve optimal reproductive health and overall well-being.

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